Accord Accounting


Paul William White Why do our carvers haveto be paid to carve totems to stand in our village and why do certain people step in saying that true written history told and depicted in a totem is said to be a lie that it didn't happen people saying a totally different story and even stoop to a level so low where they'd take the carver to court. Sad sad sad that you wana hide the true history to hide the stealing if names of whatever the reason, we have a system for a reason and that's to LIVE BREATHE AND DIE TSYMSYEN ADAAWX AND AYAAWX. I wish to see all carvers come together to build a really big longhouse where we can feast and learn our history culture and art most of all our art and language our smalgyax.


  • 50.284179, -107.799783
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  • Cheque

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