Teen Ranch


The Teen Ranch Ice Corral is an Olympic-size arena which opened in 1994. With it's large international ice surface, large dressing rooms, meeting rooms and weight room, we accommodate aspiring young hockey players from around the world.We conduct our skill development programs (summer and year-round) in this beautiful facility. Portable boards provided recently by the NHLPA Goals and Dreams fund allow us to run 3 on 3 tournaments or provide smaller ice surfaces for the tykes.Teen Ranch offices are accommodated in the Ice Corral. The Ice Corral seats approximately 900 people. The Hockey Hall of Faith - a unique expression of the Christian faith of about 40 NHL players is a part of the arena lobby.Teen Ranch Horse camp instructors are trained/certified by the CHA, an international organization dedicated to excellence in safety and skill development in young riders. Lessons for beginner, intermediate and advanced riders are offered.Teen Ranch has very safe and well-schooled horses to learn on and develop the rider's skills. Our beginner riders start with the basics of position and control while advanced riders will be challenged to perfect their jumping position, equitation and effectiveness on horseback. Soccer camp develop your skills and techniques: shooting, dribbling, heading, chesting, trapping and passing.Teen Ranch offers: Video Analysis, Game Strategies and Formatio, Scrimmages, Agility, Conditioning and Nutrition Training, Individualized Evaluation.


  • 44.117279, -80.150163

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