Kekuli Aboriginal Foods Inc


A Canadian Aboriginal cuisine restaurant, started in 2005! 'Don't Panic.We Have Bannock!' An original Bannock restaurant with a modern contemporary twist, First Nations style! Click here to learn more about Kekuli Cafe.Share:'Don't Panic.We Have Bannock' on Food Network's You Gotta Eat Here What really happened that day Camera! Action! Lights What is it like to be on National TV Awesome of course! But the weirdest feeling, is cameras in your face, it really does put this overwhelming, scare the crap outta you kind of feeling! Like, omg, is there something on my face, is my make up okay, does this shirt look alrightDid I wear the right outfit Not, oh ya, this is about the bannock! haha!When the Lone Entertainment, Food Network's 'You Gotta Eat Here' Krue came into the cafe, bright n early, to set up their cameras & lights, my vision board request, was becoming a reality.


  • 49.8337068, -119.6210454
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