New Era Wellness



Monday9:00 - 17:00
Tuesday9:00 - 17:00
Wednesday9:00 - 17:00
Thursday9:00 - 17:00
Friday9:00 - 17:00
Becoming a Health Coach has been a natural merging of all things professional and personal. Armed with a degree in education and a Masters in Psychology my professional careers involved helping people learn about themselves and others, both directly and through academic studies. I integrate all I have taken from the past with my new health and wellness knowledge and coaching skills into my career as a Health Coach. I work in the global community via Skype and help women who have put their health on the "back burner" while pursuing a career, with or without a family to tend to. You may find yourself over stressed and undernourished and, perhaps, you have some vulnerabilities in your health as a result of putting others' needs before your own health. If you want to transform your life into your former confident, energetic, healthy self, or discover what it truly means to BE healthy, you are invited to contact me to set up your free first consultation.


Relationships, Lifestyle Coaching, Support, Life Energy Assessment, Energy Balancing, Inner Healing, Life Coach, Health Coach, Coaching, Personal Relationships, Nutrition Advice, Holistic Health Coach, Holistic Healing, Psychologist
Payment methods
  • Cash
  • Cheque

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